Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday, Sunday

Well, bye, bye, Bengals...

Today's predictions:

- Gabriel's diaper rash won't improve unless I can find - or go out and buy - the Desitin. 
- At least half the house will be cleaned.
- I will finish season two of Downton Abbey
- Julia will do well at her conference.

Oh, for the games? 

As much as I'd like to pick Indy, I just can't.  The fact that it will be Ray Lewis' last home game?  Something extra will be behind the Ravens' play today.  Baltimore 30, Indianapolis 20

Seattle-Washington?  Tough one.  I'll give it to Seattle because I like their defense a little more.  Seattle 24, Washington 20.

I've been catching up on some free movies on Amazon Prime this week.

- Jeff Who Lives at Home (2012), starring Jason Segel and Ed Helms, was the second Duplass brothers film I've seen (I'm still not really sure what to make of 2010's Cyrus, with Jonah Hill as a disconcerting man-child) and while Segel, as the contemplative slacker living in his mom's basement and certain that he has some sort of destiny, and Helms (as his brother living through a day of bad luck) are in fine form, it was really Susan Sarandon who I wanted more of; as the boys' mother, a lonely woman tantalized at work by a secret admirer, the often underutilized actress gave some heft and emotional poignancy to a story that's often ungainly.  Strange ending. 

- Headhunters (2012), the Norwegian thriller based on the novel by Jo Nesbo, puts its main character, a headhunter who moonlights as an art thief (Aksel Hennie), through more shit - literally, too, in the grossest scene imaginable - than any character in recent memory.  I thought this movie was going to be something wildly different - maybe a Thomas Crown kind of affair - than the relentless, silly actioner it mutated into.  Entertaining enough, but never remotely believable.  When our main character tries to nab a painting from a former mercenary (another kind of headhunter - get it?), the mercenary chases him for the rest of the movie.  A mixed bag.

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